Reproductive Psychiatry

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Reproductive Psychiatry Q & A

Reproductive Psychiatry is a specialized branch that addresses the intricate connection between women’s reproductive life cycles and their mental well-being. Despite comprising over 50% of the population and constituting more than 60% of those seeking mental health assistance, women affected by these neurobiological conditions are often overlooked and undertreated. At WCWCW, our board-certified psychiatrists and psychotherapists are dedicated to providing comprehensive care in the field of reproductive psychiatry. To request an appointment, contact our office in Bethesda, Maryland, or submit an online appointment request today.

What is Reproductive Psychiatry?

The Reproductive Psychiatry Program at WCWCW is dedicated to addressing the mental health needs of women throughout their childbearing journey, spanning from preconception to pregnancy, postpartum, early parenting, and through perimenopause and menopause. We offer thorough evaluation and treatment for psychiatric conditions in pregnant and postpartum patients, along with emotional support for challenges like coping with the stresses of infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss.

What is a Reproductive Psychiatrist?

Reproductive psychiatrists possess in-depth knowledge of the potential risks associated with untreated mental illness during pregnancy, as well as the potential risks of specific psychotropic medications. They play a pivotal role in helping women balance these risks, providing comprehensive discussions on preventive care, and collaboratively devising a treatment plan tailored to the patient’s needs.

When do I need Reproductive Psychiatry?

The need for Reproductive Psychiatry arises primarily in the management of psychiatric disorders during pregnancy and lactation. With approximately 50% of pregnancies being unplanned in the US, many psychiatrists encounter female patients who unexpectedly become pregnant while managing psychiatric illness or taking psychiatric medications. Navigating the expansive body of research on the risks and benefits of psychiatric medication use during pregnancy and lactation, and understanding this within the context of each patient, constitutes a key responsibility of a reproductive psychiatrist.

Additionally, the postpartum period poses an elevated risk of relapse and the onset of psychiatric illness, which can complicate attachment and have enduring effects on the developing infant.

WCWCW's Expertise in Reproductive Psychiatry

WCWCW stands as a premier provider of Reproductive Psychiatry Services in Maryland and the Greater Washington area. We are deeply committed to advancing this subspecialty to serve all women better.

Our specialized services in reproductive psychiatry and women’s mental health encompass:

  • Mood and anxiety disorders during pregnancy
  • Postpartum depression, anxiety, and psychosis
  • Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
  • Pre-pregnancy consultation for women with mood and anxiety disorders
  • Psychiatric treatment of infertility for women and couples
  • Psychiatric treatment for women and couples experiencing peripartum loss
  • Perimenopause
  • Menopause
  • Sexual Health

For comprehensive information about WCWCW’s reproductive psychiatry services, please reach out to our office or request an appointment online. We offer the same exceptional service via telehealth for patients residing in Maryland, DC, Virginia, Michigan, and Florida.

Schedule Appointment

Are you requesting this appointment for someone other than yourself? If yes, please add their name, relationship and date of birth. If no, please skip the next two questions and add your date of birth.

Welcome to WCWCW! Our staff will respond to your inquiry within one business day.