Questions You Should Ask Yourself When Considering Professional Help


Knowing when to seek professional help can be difficult. Here are a few questions to help guide your decision.

1) How severe are my symptoms? How large is their negative impact on my life?

2) How long have I been in this state of distress?

3) Am I becoming more avoidant or isolative due to this change in mood?

4) Am I less able to properly care for myself (eat, shower, exercise, go to work)?

5) Are friends and family noticing the change in my behavior and expressing their concern for me?

6) Am I beginning to feel hopeless?

There are also specific circumstances when you might consider seeking help:

  • The first is when you have thoughts, emotions, or behaviors that are out of control, especially when they are affecting your relationships, your work, or your sense of well-being. Never feel embarrassed to ask for help at times when you are upset or depressed.
  • Next is when you are struggling to deal with life’s painful challenges – such as a major illness, the loss of a loved one, divorce, or job problems. These issues may be your own, but could also include those of others you care about.
  • The third is when the use of alcohol or drugs interferes with your health, your emotions, your relationships, your job, or your ability to fulfill your daily responsibilities.
  • Another is when you are confused, fraught with emotions, and need the perspectives of a caring yet unbiased person to help sort among difficult choices.
  • And lastly, when you feel that life is no longer worth living, that you are hopeless and have reached the end of the line, and you would rather die than feel the pain of the present. In the midst of such distress, you are not prepared to make life-or-death decisions. Ask for help.

Connect with our talented specialists and get help from the comfort of your home today.

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