How to Manage Holiday Stress

The holidays are an ambivalent period for most people, a time for celebration but also for more complicated feelings. We’re here to help you through the challenges this time of year brings.

How to Deal With the Uncertainty Surrounding the Omicron Variant

Many of our patients are asking for advice on how to handle the anxiety and uncertainty surrounding the Omicron variant of the coronavirus. The answer we’re all hearing in the news, “It’s too early to know for sure,” while true, isn’t very helpful.

Finding the Light at the End of the Tunnel

With COVID-19 cases rising and uncertainty surrounding its variants, many patients have told us recently that it feels like there’s not a light at the end of the tunnel right now and are reporting poor sleep, fatigue or less productivity at work.

Preserve the Good Changes You Made During the Pandemic

With the rise in delta variant cases as kids return to school and fight over mask mandates, the current period is in certain ways more stressful than lockdown. With everything in flux, it may be more difficult to have any kind of routine.

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